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“Omniscience” presents ar-resting images of visages which are variously masculine, feminine or androgynous. Al-lusion to the Shroud of Turin may be inferred with the vis-age embedded on a linen-like background. However, there is much more infused in these compelling works, and the artist is successful in his desire to create something that “flows ineffably straight into the viewer.”

Meditation on these pictures provides for a powerful ex-perience. The squares of “linen” at once appear to float above the surface and then to pierce the background. The gestalt changes or “flips” back and forth the longer one views the work. Initially, as the viewer gazes into the eyes on the “linen” there is only the act of looking. Slowly, however, a feeling emerges that some-thing is looking back.


Continued engagement pro-duces ever more complex re-sponses, including seeing one-self, seeing a long dead an-cestor, seeing back through generation after generation, seeing the beginning of it all. And the crackling energy fir-ing across the picture is the spark of creation!


– Nicholas Tuele

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