Chrysalid is the larval (or chrys-alis) stage from which butter-flies emerge. Similarly, moths transform from cocoons.
We can observe transforma-tion on a personal level by examining various stages that have occurred during our lives. They can be likened to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a moth. As we grow with a buildup of experience, we can reflect upon the course we have lived and we com-prehend the nature of how this process unfolds.
These art works reveal androg-ynous and female figures in a state of ‘becoming’ as they cast of the remnant tethers of their chrysalid bonds. Key el-ements and symbols which appear in the pictures are the wind, the egg, the basket or cornucopia, and the chrys, or golden light that is mirrored in the yellow threads of cocoons, and attracts both humans and moths alike from birth until death...and perhaps beyond.